1. (b) : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
2. (d) : Second contains the story of the first.
3. (b) : First impairs the second.
4. (a) : Porcupine is a rodent and mildew is a Fungus.
5. (a) : Second is acquired from the first.
6. (a) : First is a symbol of the second.
7. (d) : Ottawa is the capital of Canada and Canberra is the capital of Austrila.
8. (d) : First causes the second.
9. (a) : First is made up of the second.
10. (b) : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
11. (c) : Fox is the cunning animal and ass is a timid animal.
12. (a) : Second is the smaller form the first.
13. (d) : A head without hair is called bald and a land without crop is called barren.
14. (c) : First forms the basis of the second.
15. (c) : Taxonmy is the science dealing with classification. Similarly, pedology deals with study of soils.
16. (a) : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
17. (b) : Seconds, mintues and hours are the three units of time –second is the smallest unit and hour is the third unit in succession. Similarly , ‘primary’ represents initial stage and ‘tertiary’ represents the third stage in a process.
18. (d) : First is prepared by the second.
19. (a) : First is the type of the second.
20. (b) : One is followed by other.
21. (c) : Tectonics is the science dealing with the art of building . similarly, taxidermy is the art of stuffing animals.
22. (b) :The direction indicated by the second word in each pair lies 135” clockwise to that indicated by the first word.
23. (b) : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
24. (a) : Hong Kong is a city in China. Similarly, Vatican is a city in Rome.
25. (d) : First is an alloy used to make the second.
26. (c) : The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
27. (a) : Monarchy is a rule by a King. Similarly, aristocracy is government by the nobles.
28. (b) : Cardiology is the branch of science which deals with the study of heart. Similarly , zoology is the branch of science which deals with the study of animals.
29. (b) : First is followed by the second.
30. (c) : Equine is horselike and vulpine is wolklike.
31. (d) : Second is the name given to the act of wasting the first.
32. (d) : Second is the name given to the act of doing away with the first.
33. (b) : Second is the method of making the first eatable.
34. (d) : Second is the best method of cleaning of first.
35. (a) : Second is the name given to the act of shaping up the first by trimming.
36. (a) : Second is the name given to the act of expressing an opinion by moving the first.
37. (c) : Second is the feminine gender of the first.
38. (b) : Second is the movement of the first.
39. (d) : Second is the place where the first is played/performed.
40. (c) : The items in each pair generally go together.
41. (a) : First has a good taste for second.
42. (c) November and January are alternate months of the year, in order. Similarly , Friday and Sunday are alternate days of the week, in order.
43. (b) : First robs the second.
44. (b) : Second is the sound produced by the first.
45. (c) : First belong to the family of second.
46. (b) : Second gives the pattern to be followed by the first.
47. (d) : Second is a bigger form the first.
48. (d) : Second is a bony protective covering of the first.
49. (b) : First feeds on the second.
50. (d) : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
51. (c) : A perch ia a fresh water fish. Similarly, cod is a salt water fish.
52. (b) : Ornithologist specializes in the study of birds. Similarly, anthropologist specializes in the study of mankind.
53. (b) : First gives birth to the second.
54. (a) : The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
55. (d) : Second is the mode of transfer of heat through the first.
56. (d) : second puts an end to the activity denoted by the first.
57. (c) : Oxygen supports burning while carbon dioxide extinguishes fire.
58. (a) : Second denotes the principle on which the irst is based.
59. (a) : First is the name given to the act of killing the second.
60. (c) : Pigeon is a symbol of peace and white flag is a symbol of surrender.
61. (a) : Teheran is the capital of Iran and Beijing is the capital of China.
62. (b) ‘Enough’ indicates sufficiency and ‘Excess’ indicates surplus.
63. (d) : First leads to the second.
64. (b) : First is a group of second, deployed for a certain purpose.
65. (b) : First is the process of manufacturing the second.
66. (a) : Shark is a fish and Lavender is a shrub.
67. (d) : Second is used to prepare the first.
68. (a) : First needs the second to work.
69. (b) : Second is the young one of the first.
70. (c) : Mattock is a tool to dig hard ground. Similarly, shovel is a tool to scoop.
71. (a) : Knoll is a small hill and eclogue is a short poem.
72. (a) : First attends the clients in the second.
73. (d) : The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
74. (d) : Seismograph is an instrument to measure the intensity of earthquakes. Similarly, taseometer is an instrument to measure strains.
75. (b) : Dum Dum is an airport in Kolkata and Palam is an airport in Delhi.
76. (c) : The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
77. (c) : The parliament of U.S.A is called Congress and that of Iran is called Majlis.
78. (a) Gold is mind in Karnataka. Likewise, diamonds are mined in Madhya Pradesh.
79. (d) : Second is a form of the first.
80. (b) : Funk discoverd vitamins and Curie discovered radium.
81. (b) : Virlogy deals with the effects of virus. Similarly, semantics deals with the effects of language.
82. (d) : Pituitary is a gland in the brain. Similarly, thymus is a gland of the chest.
83. (d) : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
84. (d) : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
85. (b) : Pyrophobia is a morbid fear of fire. Similarly, ochlophobia is a morbid fear of crowds.
86. (c) : Second is the name given to the act of accumulating the first.
87. (a) : First is a type of second.
88. (b) : First is the result of second.
89. (b) : Second denotes the family to which the first belongs.
90. (b) : Second is the higher institution than the first.
91. (a) : A visitor is given an invitation to attend a occasion. Similarly, the witness is delivered a subpoena providing for attendance at the court.
92. (c) : Oasis is a water pool amidst sand. Similarly, island is a piece of land amidst water.
Note : ‘Sea’ would have been the answer if we had ‘desert’ in place of ‘sand’.
93. (b) : Anatomy is a branch of zoology. Similarly , Paediatrics is a branch of medicine.
94. (d) : Rill is a small stream and pony is a small horse.
95. (c) : Roster is a list of duties and inventory is a list of goods.
96. (d) : First is prepared from the second.
97. (a) : The organisms living in a jungle are artificially reared in a zoo. Similarly, the organisms living in the sea artificially reared in an aquarium.
98. (c) : First is an art associated with the second.
99. (b) : First strives to acquire the second.
100. (a) : First is the type of houses commonly found in the country denoted by the second.
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