Sunday, June 12, 2011

1.        (b) : First is made from the second.
2.       (b) : Honey and Wax are both obtained from the same organism i.e bee. Similarly, milk and leather both are obtained from buffalo.
3.       (c) : Inch is an FPS and centimeter is a metric unit of length .simialry, pint is a FPS and gallon is a metric unit of volume of liquids.
4.       (c) : First is a specialist of the second.
5.       (b) : Grain is stored in granary. Similarly, curios ( rare thing to be collected) are kept in a museum.
6.       (a) : Delicious represent good taste. Similarly, Melody describes pleasant voice.
7.       (d) : Second means to put an end to the   first.
8.       (a) : Second is a disease caused by the first.
9.       (d) : Satyajit Ra is a famous personality in the field of films. Similary, Picasso is an eminent painter.
10.   (a) : First gets money in the form of second.
11.   (b) : Waves travels in air ; ripple travel in water.
12.   (d) : The word in each pair are Synonyms of each other.
13.   (a) : The word in each pair are Antonyms of each other.
14.   (b) : Jesus was the founder of the religion of the Christians and Zoroaster was the founder of the religion of the Parsis.
15.   (d) : First is the lowermost flat part of the second.
16.   (c):  The word in each pair are Antonyms of each other.
17.   (b) : First is the tool used by the  second.
18.    (d): Second denotes the place where the first is kept and reared.
19.   (b) : First denote the act of leaving the post of the second willingly.
20.   (b) : The use of the first indicate the second.
21.   (b) : The word in each pair are Antonyms of each other.
22.   (a) : The word in each pair are Synonyms of each other.
23.   (d) : Poodle is a breed of dogand moose is a breed of deer.
24.   (b) : Second is the place where the first is grown.
25.   (d) : The function of a doctor is to diagnose a disease and that of a judge is to give judgement.
26.   (d) : Second  brings the first.
27.   (d) : First is used to protect the second from attack by germs and insect.
28.   (c) : First terminates the  second.
29.   (c):  First is a member of the second.
30.   (c): ‘Immigration’ implies arrival of a foreigner to settle in a country . ‘Emigration’ implies leaving own country to settle in another country.
31.   (b) : The two organisms in each pair share a symbiotic relationship i.e. the live together to derive benefits from each other.
32.   (a) :  First is prepared by the second.
33.   (c) : First deals in and manages the  second.
34.   (c) : Second  feeds on the first.
35.   (c) : Second  is the name given to a group of the first.
36.   (d) : Second  is the tool used by the first.
37.   (a) : Second  is used to make the first.
38.   (a) : When one abides by the second, he is said to be the first by nature.
39.   (c) : As competition ends in win , similarly trial ends in invention.
40.   (c) : First is looked after and managed by the second.
41.   (a) : Second  contains smaller articles of the same nature as the first.
42.   (d) : First is used to make the second.
43.   (d) : First is a type of the second.
44.   (d) : Second  is the young one of the first.
45.   (d) : Second is the sound made by the first.
46.   (d) : The word in each pair are Synonyms of each other.
47.   (a) : First became the cause of death of the  second.
48.   (d) : First is an official garment worn by the  second.
49.   (c) : A lawyer pleads in court. Similarly , a nurse works in hospital.
50.   (b) :  The word in each pair are Antonyms of each other.
51.   (a) : First causes the second.
52.   (c) : The word in each pair are Antonyms of each other.
53.   (d) :  Catalogue is an arranged list to find the names of the library books. Similarly, index is an arranged list of contents.
54.   (a) : Consumption of first adversely affects the second.
55.   (d) : Second  is the noisy sound produced by the first.
56.   (b) : First comprises of the second.
57.   (d) : The word in each pair are Synonyms of each other.
58.   (c) :  First is the name given to increase in the production  of the  second.
59.   (b):  Second is the enlarged form of the  first.
60.   (d) :  First uses the second for the purpose for holding.
61.   (c) :  A factory is a place meant for production. Similarly, a school is a place meant to impart education.
62.   (b) : The word in each pair are Antonyms of each other.
63.   (d) : Hooks discovered the cells.Similarly, Mulder discovered the proteins.
64.   (b) : DDT is an abbreviation and LASER is an acronym.
65.   (d) : Helm regulates the rudder and brain regulates the body.
66.   (b) : First is an instrument used  to measure the  second.
67.   (c) : First is a tool used to cut the second.
68.   (b) :  Second  is the tool used by the first.
69.   (c) : First is a type of the second.
70.   (a) : First is the Young one of the second.
71.   (a) : Sirius is a star and  Cygnus is a constellation.
72.   (b) : First is a type of the second.
73.   (d) : Anthropology deals with the study of man. Similarly, anthology deals with the collection of poems.
74.   (c) : First is the noise produced by the second.
75.   (b) : Second is the manner of walking of the first.
76.   (b) : First is the prime organ carrying out circulation of the second in the Human body.
77.   (d) : First prevents the second.
78.   (b) : Willow is a deciduous tree and spruce is a coniferous tree.
79.   (a) : Palaeography is the study of ancient writngs. Similarly , Ichthyology is the study of fishes.
80.   (c) : Nautilus is a type of fish and teal is a type of duck.
81.   (d) : First is a part of the second.
82.   (a) : Second is the supporting bone of the first.
83.   (b) : Salve is an ointment and sauterne is a kind of wine.
84.   (c) : First is a disease which effects the second.
85.   (a) : The word in each pair are Antonyms of each other.
86.   (b) : Second is the ultimate source of energy for the first.
87.   (b) : First is a pest that damages the crop of the  second.
88.   (a) : Lack of second results in the first.
89.   (a) :’Cruelty’ is the antonym of ‘Sympthy’. Similarly, the antonym of ‘Virtue’ is  ’Vice’.
90.   (d) : The word in each pair are Synonyms of each other.
91.   (a) : The word in each pair are Synonyms of each other.
92.   (c) : England is an Island in Atlantice Ocean . similarly, Greenland is an Island in Arctic Ocean.
93.   (c) : First is  a part of the second.
94.   (b) : First exhibits the second.
95.   (c) : First is the sign of the second.

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