Sunday, June 12, 2011

In  this  type of questions, two group of letters related to each other in some way,are given.the candidate is required to find out this relationship and then choose either a letter-group which is related in the same way to a third group provided in the questions or pair consisting of similarly related letter-groups.
Ex.1.  BEGK is related to  ADFJ in the same way as PSVY  is related to …….?......
(a)    LOQT(b) ROUX(c) OTUZ(d) ORUX
Sol.   Clearly, each letter of the first group in a pair is moved one step backward to obtain the  corresponding letter of the second group.
         B      E      G      K                            P      S      V       Y
         -1     -1     -1     -1                          -1     -1     -1     -1
         A        D      F      J                            O     R      U       X
          Hence ,the answer is (d).
Ex.2.  ABCD  :  NPRT  : : FGHI  :  ?
Sol.   Clearly, the first, second, third and fourth letters of the first group are moved 13,14,15 and 16 steps forward respectivel to obtain the corresponding letters of the second group.
         A       B      C         D                   F        G       H        I
      +13   +14   +15    +16               +13   +14   +15    +16
         N       P       R         T                   S        U        W     Y
Ex.3.  BLOCKED  :  YOLXPVW  : :   ?  :  OZFMXS
Sol.    Clearly,each letter in the first group occupies the same positions from the beginning of the alphabet as is occupied by the corresponding letter  of the secong group from the end of the alphabet.
 Now, O,Z,F,M,X,S   are respectively the 12th , 1st, 21st, 14th ,3rd, 8th letters from the end of the alphabet. Thus, the required letter group shall have in order the 12th , 1st, 21st, 14th ,3rd, 8th letters from the beginning  of the alphabet, which is LAUNCH.
Hence ,the answer is (a).
Directions (Questions 1 to 40 ) :  In each of the following questions , there is some relationship between the two terms to the left of : : and the same relationship holds between the two terms to its right. Also, in each questions, one term either to the right of : : or to the left of it is missing. This term is given as one of the alternatives given below each questions. Find out this term.
1.       AG  :  IO  : : EK  :  ?
(a)    LR        (b) MS        (c) PV       (d) SY
2.       ADE  :  FGJ  : : KNO  :  ?
(a)    PQR    (b) PQT       (c) RQP    (d) TPR
3.       MAD  :  JXA  : : RUN  :  ?
(a)    ORK    (b) OSQ      (c) PRJ      (d) UXQ
4.       acE  :  bdF  : :  fhJ  :  ?
(a)    giK      (b) ghK       (c) dfH      (d) fhL
5.       Dda  :  Add  : :  Rrb  :  ?
(a)    BBr     (b) bRR      (c) RRR     (d) BrR
6.       CAT  :  DDY  : : BIG  :  ?
(a)    CLL     (b) CLM     (c) CML     (d) CEP
7.       KMF  :  LLH  : :  RMS  :  ?
(a)    SLR    (b) SLU       (c) SSU      (d) SUS
8.       BIGE  :  JQOM  : : RYWU  :  ?
(a)    AGFD     (b) ZFDB      (c) ZGEC     (d) ZVX
9.       QDMX  :  SFYN  : : UIOZ  :  ?
(a)    WKPA    (b) QNLA     (c) LPWA   (d) PAQM
10.   ASTN  :  ZTSO  : :  MSUB  :  ?
(a)    LRRC      (b) LTTA     (c) NTVC    (d) LTTC
11.   FILM  :  AGH  : : MILK  :  ?
(a)    ADGF     (b) HDGE          (c) HDGF       (d) HEGF
12.   QPRS  :  TUWV  : : JIKL  : ?
(a)    MNOP       (b) MNPO      (c) NMOP      (d) NMPO
13.   FJUL  :  BOQQ  : : LHRX  :  ?
(a)    BKPR     (b) MNCC      (c) HRYY     (d) HMNC
14.   EJOT  :  VQLG  : : BGLQ  :   ?
(a)    AEIM     (b) AFKP     (c) YTOJ     (d) ZUPK
15.   kcaC  :  Cack  : : Xgmf  :   ?
(a)    EmgF     (b) EgmX      (c) FmgX     (d) GmeF
16.   EGIK  :  FILO  : : FHJL  :  ?
(a)    GJMP    (b) GMJP     (c) JGMP     (d) JGPM
17.   PALE  :  LEAP  : : POSH  : ?
(a)    HSOP    (b) POHS    (c) SHOP     (d) None of these
18.   JLNP  :  OMKI  : : SUWY  :  ?
(a)    FGHI      (b) MLKJ      (c) PLHD      (d) XVTR
19.   AFHO  :  GBDJ  : : CHFM  : ?
(a)    GBIM     (b) GBLD      (c) GPLD       (d) IDBH
20.   NOPQ  :  MLKJ  : : HIJK  : ?
(a)    DEFG      (b) EFGH     (c) FEDC      (d) GFED
21.   MUMBAI  :  LTLAZH  : : DELHI  :  ?
(a)    CDKGG      (b) IHLED      (c) CDKGH     (d) BCKGH
22.   CLOSE  :  DNRWJ  : : OPEN  :  ?
(a)    PRHR    (b) PRJQ     (c) RPJB     (d) RZWR
23.   ?  :  ALKALO  : : WOULD  :  TLRIA
(a)    BLOCK     (b) BARGE        (c) CONES      (d) DONOR
24.   ?  :  DURXQG  :  : POLICE  :  SROLFH
(a)    ARMOUR   (b) AROUND       (c) GROUND     (d) SHOULD
25.   EIGHTY  :  GIEYTH  : :  OUTPUT  :  ?
(a)    TUOTUP    (b) TUOUTP    (c) UTOPTU    (d) UOTUPT
26.   computer  :  fpqrxvht  : :  language  :  ?  
(a)    oxpixdig      (b) ocqicyig        (c) ocqixcjg      (d) ocqixcig
27.   corden  :  zrogbq  : : ?  :  pxivro
(a)    mulmul     (b) sulsul        (c) munmun     (d) srspql
28.   ?  :  QEHMDF  : : WIDELY  :  HVCDXK
(a)    DEMAND      (b) FRANCE    (c) FRINGE     (d) STRING
29.   BUCKET  :  ACTVBDJLDFSU  : :  BONUS  :  ?
30.   COUNSEL  :  BTITRAK  : :  GUIDANCE  :  ?
31.     DWH is related to WDS  in the same way as  FUL  is related to  …….?.......
(a)    UFO      (b) OFU       (c) FOU      (d) ELV
32.    KORT  is related to PJWO  in the same way as   FINR is related to  …….?.......
(a)    KCSM      (b) KDSM       (c) JSMR      (d) JCRN
33.    CFED is related to PSQR   in the same way as JMKL is related to  …….?.......
(a)    YXZW        (b) VZX        (c) WZWZ       (d) UVXZ
34.   EGIK  is related to WUSQ in the same way as DFHJ is related to  …….?.......
(a)    BDFH        (b) ECGI       (c) SQOM        (d) XVTR
35.   USPL  is related to KMPT  in the same way as LJGC is related to  …….?.......
(a)    BDGK       (b) CEHL      (c) GHIL        (d) QSUW
36.   TRADE  is related to UQBCF in the same way as PLATE  is related to  …….?.......
(a)    QKBSF      (b) QKBUF        (c) OMZUD       (d) QMBUF
37.    CIRCLE is related to RICELC in the same way as  SQUARE is related to  …….?.......
(a)    QSUERA      (b) QUSERA       (c) UQSAER        (d) UQSERA
38.    THEREFORE  is related to TEEOERFRH  in the same way as   HELICOPTER  is related to  …….?.......
39.    DRIVEN  is related to  EIDRVN in the same way as  BEGUM  is related to  …….?.......
(a)    BGMEU     (b) BGMUE        (c) EUBGM       (d) UEBGM
40.    RATIONAL is related to RATNIOLA   in the same way as  TRIBAL is related to  …….?.......
(a)    TIRLAB     (b) TRIALB        (c) TIRLBA        (d) TRILBA
Directions (Questions  41  to  45) :  Each of the following questions consists of a pair of letter-group that have a certain relationship to each other,followed by four other pairs of letters-group given as alternatives. Select the pair in which letter-groups are similarly related as in tha given pair.
41.    BC  :  FG
(a)    PQ : ST       (b) HI  :  LM        (c) AD : PQ      (d) JK : LM
42.     OT  :  PS
(a)    TV : SW    (b) IL : HK     (c) PN : PM       (d) BE :FC      (e)  None of these
43.   MN  :  OP
(a)    AD : GH     (b) AB : PQ      (c) QR : ST      (d) RS : TV
44.   CEH  :  IKN
(a)    ACD : FHJ     (b) CDF : IJK      (c) EFH : KMN    (d) OQT : UWZ 
45.   LLAMS  :  SMALL
(a)    SRENID : DINERS    (b) CHART : TRACH   (c) BARK : KRAB    (d) TREE : EERT 
46.   Which of the following pairs is the same as  AZ,EV,GT and DW?
(a)    UD        (b) WZ         (c) HS       (d) BW 
47.   Which of the following indicates similar relationship as LOWER  has with WORLE ?
(a)    GLAZE : AGELZ                 (b) AMONG : OMNAG
              (c) WORDS : ROSWD             (d) ENTRY : RNET           (e) None of these
Directions (Questions  48 to 54 ) : The following questions are based on the letters along the figure given below. In each questions,the relationship between the two terms written to the left of : : is retained in the two terms to the right of it. Out of these four term, one term is missing. Choose this term out of the given alternative.
48.    GHF  :  CDB  :  EFD  :  ?
(a)    ABJ       (b) CBD       (c) IJH      (d) AJB      (e) AKB
49.     AKJ  :  GNH  : : EMD  :  ?
(a)    CLB       (b) CLD     (c) AKB     (d) EMF       (e) CDB
50.   HNP  :  PDA  : :  DLP  :  ?
(a)    PJG       (b) CDP     (c) CLP      (d) PME     (e) PHE
51.   AFHO  :  GBDM  : :  CHFM  :  ?
(a)    GBLD        (b) GBJO     (c) GPLD     (d) GBDM     (e) IBDE
52.    AKJO  :  IOHN  : : ? : CLBK
(a)    LDME     (b) EMGH    (c) GNFM     (d) EMDL    (e) CLDM
53.   BPM  :  GNJ  : : ? : AKD
(a)    FPO     (b) FPM      (c) HPB     (d) LPH    (e) KPD
54.   AOE  :  ?  : : GMA  :  NKM
(a)    KLM    (b) KLF       (c) OBM      (d) KLO    (e) KMN
Directions (Questions 55 to 59 ) : In each of these questions, there is a relationship between the words on the left hand and the nonsense syllable on the right hand side. The some relationship obtains in all the three rows. Of the four alternatives given in each questions , find the one that fits in to the blank place in the third rows. That’s the answer.
55.   WONDER            PES 
CLUSTER             MTF
MUSCLE               (?)
(a)    LRK       (b) NSM       (c) TBD      (d) VDF
56.   RESPONSIBLE             KHMOD             
SENSITIVE                   USRD
CLARIFICATION            (?)
(a)    MHZHHZ      (b) KSEBSN     (c) NSBEQK     (d) PUDGSM
57.    RHINOCEROS             SKQGWY
HARASSMENT                (?)
(a)    GPDOZN      (b) ITDWJZ     (c) BCVIL      (d) ISTNOM
58.    SERPENTINE           RNQA
REPORTER                  (?)
(a)    ETU       (b) DPO         (c) SQH         (d) QMB
PROPOSITION                           (?)
(a)    OQONHSNM      (b) QSQPJUPO      (c) ONNHHM       (d) QPPJJO

Directions (Questions  60 to 65) : In each of the following questions,there is some relationship between the two terms to the left of : : and the same relationship holds between the two terms to its right.Also, in each questions,one term either to the right of : : or to the left of ti is missing.
This term  is given as one of the alternative given below each questions. Find out this one.
60.     B  :  16  : : D : ?
(a)    120        (b) 150         (c) 200      (d) 256
61.   C  : 16  : : F  :  ?
(a)    30         (b) 40        (c) 49       (d) 50
62.    M x N  :  13 x 14 : :  F x R : ?
(a)    7 x 19       (b) 5 x 17          (c) 14 x 15       (d) 6 x18
63.   DE  :  10  : : HI : ?
(a)    17         (b) 20            (c) 36        (d) 46
64.   MK  :  169/121  : :  JH : ?
(a)    100/64      (b) 100/81      (c) 64/120     (d) 81/100
65.   T/J  :  2 : : X/H  : ?
(a)    2          (b) 3           (c) 23/7        (d) 4


  1. Hi,
    what is the answer of qno. 64?
    Explain it. please

  2. Please explain ques no . 48 & 49.

  3. Please explain ques no . 48 & 49.

    1. Take the number in the sequence of the alphabets in the question. U get 7,8,6 and 3,4,2 So 3rd letter, 1st letter and 2nd letter form a continuous series. Hence it is 4th option (IJH)
      Read it in the same sequence (3rd letter, 1st letter and 2nd letter), u will get a continuous letter series

    2. did you understand question 49

  4. Question number 56 ka answer kya hai please jaldi Bataye

  5. What is this answer of question number 56 please please.

  6. Question 56 ka solution Kya hoga

  7. 55) Answer will be d)
    Reason: Letters at even places are considered. Then the letter is incremented by 1.

  8. 56)Answer will be c)
    Reason: Letters at even places are taken. Then they are incremented by 1. Then the incremented new sequence is written in inverse direction. Hope this helps.

  9. Can someone please solve 49?

  10. Can anyone slove Questions no. 54 plss explain

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