Sunday, June 12, 2011

In this type of ques , one has to trace out the hidden analogy  or common characteristic among the given words or to choose the word which mentions the quality common to the given words.
Ex.  Judo  :  Karate  :  Taekwando
(a)    They are names of martial arts.
(b)   They can be performed by obese persons.
(c)    They are performed on stage.
(d)   They are important items of Asian Games.
Sol. Clearly, Judo, Karate  and Taekwando are marital arts and alternative (a) is the most  suitable  
       description for all the  three.
       Hence ,the answer is (a).
Directions (Questions 1  to  70) :  Three words in bold letters are given in each questions,which have something in common among themselves. Out of the four given alternatives, choose the most  appropriate description about these three words.
1.       Sandstone  :  Limestone  :  Coal
(a)    They are formed by metamorphic rocks.
(b)   They are chemical minerals .
(c)    They are found in river beds.
(d)   They are formed by sedimentary rocks.
2.       Analects  :  Zend Avesta  :  Torah
(a)    These are places of worship.
(b)   These are three sects of Muslims
(c)    These are names of religion.
(d)   These are names of religious books.
3.       Mars  :  Mercury  :  Venus
(a)    They have no opposite motion.
(b)   They are evil planets
(c)    They  are the planets nearest to the earth
(d)   They have no corresponding lucky stone.
4.       Gnu  :  Emu  :  Curlew
(a)    These are fast runners.
(b)   These are birds.
(c)    These are small insects.
(d)   These are animal pests.
5.       Chain  :  Link  :  Bridge
(a)     They all have hooks.
(b)   They  are related with ornaments.
(c)    They join two parts.

(d)   The terms are related with prison.
6.       Sweep  :  Scrub  :  Wipe
(a)    These are terms connected with rubbing.
(b)   These are games of cards.
(c)    These are terms used by motor mechanics
(d)   These are terms connected with cleaning
7.       Delhi  :  Agra  :  Mathura
(a)    They  have been capitals of the country.
(b)   They  have exquisite temples.
(c)    They  have religious background.
(d)   They  have situated on the bank of river Yamuna.
8.       Knight  :   Rook  :  Bishop
(a)    These are missionaries.
(b)    These are  chessmen
(c)    These are  churchmen.
(d)   These are  ranks of military.
9.       Crocodile  :  Chameleon  :  Tortoise
(a)    They are reptiles.
(b)   They  have hard shells.
(c)    They  live near water.
(d)   They  keep on changing colour.
10.   Hiss  :  Hoot  :  Trumpet.
(a)    They are sounds made by  certain creatures.
(b)   They are joyous cries of  children.
(c)    They are sounds made by war-instrument.
(d)   The terms are used in connection  with under-world activities.
11.   Press  :  Television  :  Cinema
(a)    They are means of entertainment.
(b)   They are means of mass media.
(c)    They  give worldwide news.
(d)   All are  public undertaking.
12.    Comets  :  Stars  :  Satellite
(a)    They are shining masses.
(b)   They  give out light.
(c)    They are rotating from left to right.
(d)   They are heavily bodies.
13.   Canoe  :  Yacht  :  Dinghy
(a)    These are tribal people.
(b)   These are famous clubs.
(c)    These are names of boats.
(d)   These are rest house.
14.   Rinderpast : Anthrax : Diarrhoea
(a)    These are disease caused by bacteria.
(b)   These are plant pests.
(c)    These are pathogens.
(d)   These are infections of stomach.
15.   Yeats  :  Ghalib  :  Kabir
(a)    They were given Nobel Prize. 
(b)   They were poets.
(c)    They were social reformers.
(d)   They were saints.
16.   Vesuvius  :  Etna  :  Kilimanjaro.
(a)    These are sites of volcanoes.
(b)   These are hills of Itlay.
(c)    These are islands countries.
(d)   These lie in polar regions.
17.   Hamlet  :  Macbeth  :   Faustus
(a)    They were kings.
(b)   They are plays by Shakespeare.
(c)    They are famous characters from various dramas.
(d)   They are characters who were murderers.Barauni  :  Digboi  :  Ankleshwar
(a)    They are famous for oil fields.
(b)   They are famous religious places.
(c)    They are tourists places of South – India.
(d)   They are famous for handlooms.
18.   Aorta  :  Pulmonary  :  Ventricle
(a)    They are the veins that supply blood.
(b)   They are names of parts of heart.
(c)    They are realted to lungs.
(d)   They are different sections of food pipe.
19.   Viper  :  Krait  :  Mamba
(a)    These are boot polishes.
(b)   These are haunting spirits.
(c)    These are sankes.
(d)   These are insects living in bushes.
20.   Pulpit  :  Pews  :  Steeple
(a)    They are connected with a glacier valley.
(b)   They are connected with church.
(c)    They are connected with race-course
(d)   They are part of plant.
21.   Spinach  :  Fenugreek  :  Celery
(a)    These are cactus plant.
(b)   These are wild flowers.
(c)    These are wild plants.
(d)   These are leafy vegetable.
22.   Ovary  :  Uterus  :  Cervix
(a)    They are excretory organs.
(b)   They are reproductive organs.
(c)    They are endocrine glands.
(d)   They are organs for fertilizers in plants.
23.   Love  :  Respect  :  Sympathy 
(a)    They are sentiments.
(b)   They are feelings.
(c)    They are not reciprocal.
(d)   They can not be displayed.
24.   Tola  :  Masha  :  Ratti 
(a)     They  are  units of time.
(b)   They  are  fruits of wild plants.
(c)    They  are  units of weights.
(d)   They  are  terms used in Ayurveda.
25.       Kwanza  :  Franc  :  Lempira
(a)    These are ancient towns.
(b)   These are princely states.
(c)    These are famous fishing grounds.
(d)   These are currencies.
26.   Aphids  :  Weevils  :  Locusts
(a)    These are plant pests.
(b)   These damage the wood.
(c)    These live inside the host.
(d)   These cause disease in cattle.
27.   Yenisei  :  Orinoco  :  Makenzie
(a)    These are   small round hills.
(b)   These are   sea ports.
(c)    These are   names of rivers.
(d)   These are   rich agriculture lands.
28.   Knot   :  Watt : Fathom
(a)    The terms are used by  sailors.
(b)   The terms are used by  installing electricity.
(c)    The terms are connected with rope.
(d)   They are unit of measurement.
29.   Nissan  :  Toyota  :  Isuzu
(a)    These are cities in Japan.
(b)   These are ports in Japan.
(c)    These are cars from Japan.
(d)   These are tele-programmes.
30.   Magneta  :  Fawn  :  Turquoise
(a)    They are marine creatures.
(b)   They are migratory birds.
(c)    They are precious and semi- precious stones.
(d)   They are colours.
31.   Mundas  :  Gaddis  :  Shompens
(a)    They are varieties of fodder.
(b)   They are different kinds of pastures.
(c)    They are tribal group.
(d)   They are goog mountaineers.
32.    Michigan  :  Baikal  :  Nicaragua
(a)    They are names  of lakes.
(b)   They are names  of  names of cities.
(c)    They are names  of countries of Europe.
(d)   They are names  of good trading centers.
33.   Slumber  :  Drowze  :  Snooze
(a)    They are medical terms.
(b)   The  words are connected with sleep.
(c)    The  words are connected with peace.
(d)   They are first symptoms of somnambulism.
34.    Arabia  :  Labrador  :  Scandinavia
(a)    They are names of islands.
(b)   They are muslims country.
(c)    They have fine fishing grounds.
(d)   They are names of peninsulas.
35.   Columbus  :  Magellan  :  Vasco  da Gama
(a)    They are ancient astronomers.
(b)   They are ancient sailors
(c) They discovered some asian countries.
(d)  They were the first to design a ship.
36.   Cherries  :  Berries  :  Apricot
(a)    They grow on creepers.
(b)   They need hot climate.
(c)    They are very expensive fruits.
(d)   They have a hard stone inside.
37.    Ebony  :  Rosewood  :  Mahogany
(a)    These are tree of temperate regions.
(b)   These are hardwood trees.
(c)    These yield good wood for fuel.
(d)   These are coniferous trees.
38.   Green  :  Violet  :  Orange
(a)    They are primary colours.
(b)   These colours occur together in a rainbow.
(c)    They are made by mixing ither colurs.
(d)   These colours are not found in butterflies.
39.    Borlaug :  Bhartendu  : Birla
(a)    They are famous scientist.
(b)   They are great warriors.
(c)    They worked in the field of literature.
(d)   They are linked with awards.
40.   Sapphire  :  Ruby  :  Topaz
(a)    They belong to the family of fishes.
(b)   They are precious minerals.
(c)    They are precious stones.
(d)   They are used as abrasives.
41.    Petrol  :  Phosphorus  :  Cooking gas
(a)    They are fuels.
(b)   They are highly inflammable.
(c)    They cant’t be sold with out permit.
(d)   India has to import them.
42.   Arjun  :  Uddhav  :  Sudama
(a)    They were pandavas.
(b)   They were all princes.
(c)    They were great warriors.
(d)   They were friends of Krishna.
43.    Stork  :  Goose  :  Duck
(a)    They migrate to India from Siberia.
(b)   They are water birds.
(c)    They are white.
(d)   The species are disappearing.
44.   Majlis  :  Diet :  Knesset
(a)    These are foreign languages.
(b)   These are parliaments of countries.
(c)    These are names of foods eaten in different countries.
(d)   These are old names of certain countries.
45.    Sarnath  :   Kapilavastu  :  Sanchi
(a)    These are palces having massive pillers.
(b)   These are linked with Lord Buddha.
(c)    These are famous for stone caves.
(d)   These have ancient universities.
46.    Abhi Bhattacharya  :  Utpal Dutt  :  Satyajit Ray
(a)    They are character actors.
(b)   They are directors of Bengali Movies.
(c)    They are famous actors who were awarded Padma Shri.
(d)   All these late silver screen personalities belonged to Bengal.
47.    Theta  :  Phi  :  Omega
(a)    These are Latin alphabets.
(b)   These are signs of algebra.
(c)    These are Greek letters.
(d)   These are used in physical derivations.
48.    Vigour  :  Vitality  :  Stamina
(a)    The terms are related to medicines.
(b)   The terms are related to one’s instinct for fighting
(c)    The terms are a measurement for tolerence
(d)   The terms are related to inner strength.
49.    Myosin  :  collagen  :  Actin
(a)    These are proteins
(b)   These are names of enzymes
(c)    These are constituents of blood.
(d)   These are names of hormones.
50.    Chlorine  :  Fluorine  :  Iodine
(a)    These are names of inert gases.
(b)   These are gases at room temperature
(c)    These are transition elements.
(d)   These are halogens.
51.   Prakrit  :  Pali  :  Sanskrit
(a)    They are classical languages of Asia and Europe.
(b)   The Vedas are written in these languages.
(c)    They are old languages of India.
(d)   They are dead languages.
52.   Vinci  :  Angelo  : Raphael
(a)    They were Italian engineers.
(b)   They were Euopean painters.
(c)    They were dictators.
(d)   They were famous politicians
53.   Naïve  : Ingenue : Guileless
(a)    The terms are connected with bad society manners
(b)   The terms are used for criminals.
(c)    They are technical words used by social workers in backward areas.
(d)   They depict various shades of innocence.
54.    Chrome  :  Ochre  :  Lemon
(a)    These are names of flowers.
(b)   These are hill stations.
(c)    These are shades of yellow colour.
(d)   These are citrus fruits.
55.    Kanha  :  Periyar  :  Dachigam
(a)    These are famous lagoons.
(b)   These are hill stations.
(c)    These are animal sanctuaries.
(d)   These are mountain peaks.
56.    James Bonds  :  Sherlock Holmes  :  Hercules Poirot
(a)    They are private detectives.
(b)   They are agents of CBI.
(c)    They are characters from detective fictions.
(d)   They are the only detective agents.
57.    Madras  :  Vishakhapatnam  :  Rangoon
(a)    They are Indian naval bases.
(b)   They are ports situated on the coast of Bay of Bengal.
(c)    They are capitals of states.
(d)   They are famous for their architecture.
58.    Kittiwake  :  Gull  :  Albatross
(a)    These are found in ponds.
(b)   These feed on fishes.
(c)    These are breeds of fishes.
(d)   These are sea birds.
59.    Rickets  :  Scurvy  :  Beri- Beri
(a)    They are insects.
(b)   They infectious disease.
(c)    These are disease caused by deficiency of vitamins.
(d)   These are disease caused by certain insect bites
60.    Kennedy  : Indira  :  Palme
(a)    They were Presidents.
(b)   They were Prime Ministers
(c)     They were very popular among children.
(d)   All of them were assassinated.
61.    Species  :  Genera  : Family
(a)    These are biological terms.
(b)   These give information about living things for classification.
(c)    These are traits of animal kingdom.
(d)   These are groups of animals.
62.    Rourkerla  :   Bokaro  :  Durgapur
(a)    They have steel plants.
(b)   They have coal mines.
(c)    They have atomic power plants.
(d)   They have the best technical colleges.
63.    Alberta  :  Ontario  :  Quebec
(a)    These are cities on rivers.
(b)   These are tourist palces.
(c)    These are Canadian states.
(d)   These have fine harbours.
64.    Supernova  :  Protostar  :  Red Giant
(a)    These are kinds of stars.
(b)   These are members of galaxies.
(c)    These are stages in the life of a star.
(d)   These move about the sun.
65.   Ulna  :  Pelvis  :  Tibia
(a)    They are muscles.
(b)   They are organs of urinary system.
(c)    They are technical names for blood groups.
(d)   They are bones.
66.   Devika Rani  :  Sohrab Modi  :  Raj Kapoor
(a)    They were great directors.
(b)   They have largest numbers of films to their credit.
(c)    They received the Dada Saheb Phalke award.
(d)   They were honoured with the much coveted award ‘Padmashree’.
67.    Voodoo  :  Sorcery  :  Necromancy
(a)    They are ancient arts found in sculptures.
(b)   They are terms connected with black magic.
(c)    They are ancient scripts.
(d)   They are means of communication of pre-historic age.
68.    Factotiem  :  Maid  :  Butler
(a)    They are employed in restaurants.
(b)   They are persons who look after children.
(c)    They are different types of servants.
(d)   They are members of the household.
69.    Stirrup  :  Anvil  :  Drum
(a)    The items are used by riders.
(b)   They are parts of ear.
(c)    They are musical instrument.
(d)   They are used by folk artists.

Direction (Questions  71 to 100 ) :  Three words are given in each ques below ,which have something in common among themselves. Choose one out of the four given alternatives , which mentions the quality common to the three given words.
70.   Wheat  :  Barley  :  Rice
(a)    Food    (b) Agriculture       (c) Grams       (d) Cereals
71.   Yeats  :  Ghalib :  Kabir
(a)    Reformers      (b) Poets     (c) Saints        (d) Leaders
72.   Mercury  :  Saturn  :  Pluto
(a)    Mars        (b) Earth       (c) Planets       (d) Jupiter 
73.   Rockies  :  Appalachian  :  Andes
(a)    Ranges     (b) Slopes    (c) Peaks          (d) Hills 
74.   Volleyball :  Hockey  :  Football
(a)    Athletes     (b) Games      (c) Baseball        (d) Aqutaic
75.   Groundnuts  :  Sesame  :  Mustard
(a)    Cerals         (b) Legumes       (c) Leafy Vegetables        (d) Oilseeds 
76.   Stool  :  Table  :  Chair
(a)    Office      (b) Carpet      (c) Bench       (d) Furniture 
77.   Paradeep  :  Haldia  :  Kandla
(a)    Industrial centres    (b) Ships      (c) Port towns        (d) Coastal Cities 
78.   Couplet  :  Sonnet : Limerick
(a)    Prose       (b) Songs          (c) Lyrics       (d) Poetry 
79.   Kerosene  :  Petrol  :  Diesel
(a)    Firewood      (b) Engine          (c) Fuel         (d) Coal 
80.   Gram  :  Grain  :  Pound
(a)    Currency      (b) Commadities          (c) Cereals       (d) Weight 
81.   Lion  :  Tiger  :  Leopard
(a)    Herbivorous       (b) Carnivorous          (c) Zoo       (d)Circus 
82.   Wasp  :  Cricket  :  Beetle
(a)    Insects       (b) Pathogens            (c) Microbes           (d) Pesticides 
83.   Graphite  :  Diamond  :  Coke
(a)    Allotropes     (b) Abrasives         (c) Electrodes         (d) Fuels 
84.   Coal  :  Iron  :  Mica
(a)    Gold       (b) Rock          (c) Earth         (d) Minerals 
85.   Colorado  :  Seina  :  Volga
(a)    Ports       (b) Rivers      (c) Lakes         (d) Harbours 
86.   Giggle :  Titter  :  Guffaw
(a)    Happiness      (b) Joy       (c) Laugh     (d) Merriment 
87.   Fly  :  Bee  :Ant
(a)    Cockroach      (b) Spider     (c) Termite         (d) Insects 
88.   Forgery  :  Fabrication  :  Counterfeit
(a)    Smuggling      (b) Deceit      (c) Falsity            (d) Designed 
89.   Cub  :  Calf  :  Kitten
(a)    Progeny       (b) Cow           (c) Attractive        (d) Harmless 
90.   Colt  :  Elver  :  Foal
(a)    Predators         (b) Young ones       (c) Female animals         (d) Wild animals 
91.   Hat  :  Coat  :  Trousers
(a)    Dress          (b) Tailor           (c) Shirt       (d) Gentleman 
92.   Kyat  :  Yuan  :  Rial 
(a)    Nationalities      (b) Capitals           (c) Currencies        (d) Parliaments 
93.   Shin  :  Instep  :  Calf
(a)    Leg parts       (b) Animal Flesh          (c) Young ones        (d) Meat 
94.   Cap  :  Turban  :  Hat
(a)    Headgear      (b) Umbrella           (c) Hair       (d) Safety 
95.   Harmattam  :  Chinook  :  Foehn
(a)    Fishes       (b) Birds         (c) Winds       (d) Insects 
96.   Chucker  :  Mallet  :  Bunder
(a)    Sports       (b) Soils           (c) Snooker       (d) Polo 
97.   Newspaper  :  Hoarding  :  Television
(a)    Press       (b) Media        (c) Broadcast     (d) Rumour 
98.   Bantus  :  Khasis  :  Maoris
(a)    Tribal groups      (b) Herdsmen        (c) Pasture lands      (d) Mountaineers 
99.   Vote  :  Ballot  :  Poll
(a)    Elections         (b) Nomination        (c) Selection         (d) Participation 

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